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The Quarry Hunslet Web Site

Celebrating these unique steam locomotives
irish mail
This 1/3rd scale loco was completed by the late Geoffrey Brett in 1995 to the John Milner drawings. The frames, castings etc. were supplied by John Milner who also machined and assembled some major components such as the wheels, eccentrics and cylinders. She was named after Geoffrey’s wife Joan but finished in his preferred livery of black rather than Dinorwic colours. Lady Joan operated on a private railway near Bath until taken out of service for boiler retubing in 2002.
She remained dismantled until 2007 when the Brett family organised for her restoration by Joe Nemeth (based near Bristol). Joe made many improvements including the addition of cab spectacles, dummy lubricators and brass name and works plates. He completely repainted the loco in Penrhyn lined black and she runs beautifully! Lady Joan now resides in Cheshire and is used on a portable track at local events and at club tracks. Picture taken in 1995 when she was first completed and prior to naming in 1995 Picture courtesy of © Alan Brett
Lady Joan
These pictures were taken in april 2009 and show the restoration at the Mid Cheshire Society of Model Engineers' track near Northwich. The driver and signalman are two of Geoffrey Brett's grandsons. Picture courtesy of © Alan Brett
Lady Joan
Picture by curtsey of © Alan Brett. All information courtesy of Alan Brett 2009.


Photographs copyright remains with the person who took them, you should contact them if you wish to use their pictures. If no contact address is given on the page, please contact the webmaster in the first instance.
2007 - 2009 © Mark Adlington. All rights reserved.